Miguel Terrazos for sacrificing so much time and energy to produce this EP. I am forever grateful for your musical insights, meticulous hard work, and incredible patience.
Daniela Terrazos, thank you for opening your home to me, for sharing so many amazing meals, and for supporting me as you would a sister. (Annali and Sopheli--thank you for your hugs, laughter, and eternal cuteness!)
Tabea Kämpf, you have been with me in this process of creating and worshiping before the idea of an album was even there. I’m so thankful for our musical and spiritual sisterhood. Thank you for sharing your heart of worship and beautiful viola playing on this album.
Isabelle Stettler, thank you for taking the time to give me several vocal lessons, as well as sing background harmonies on the album. Such a gift!
David Zürcher, thank you for offering your voice as praise on this album and for your constant encouragement when we run into each other at school. Our times of spontaneous prayer are always an empowering blessing!
Lana Kostic, thank you for jumping on board and recording cello parts even on short notice!
Brian Brubaker, thank you for being an awesome older brother and taking such good care of your little sister. Your level-headed advice and clear direction came at exactly the right time. You are a talented graphic/web designer, and I’m so thrilled that this album has your artistic fingerprints all over it.